Tag Archives: Healing

Breakfast Miracles

It’s been a long time since I’ve done a blog post. This morning something happened that was worthy of documentation. 

Do you ever have those mornings where you wake up discouraged at your current circumstances. I was grumbling and complaining in my heart.  Even though I didn’t verbalize anything, God knows our hearts very well and He corrected me in such a sweet loving way that left me crying in the kitchen while making my family breakfast. 

Yesterday after church Karis told us that a miracle happened in class. She said one of her arms was shorter than the other and when she got prayer the shorter arm grew out. She was so impacted by this that she was in tears telling us. 

This morning I was making breakfast for everyone and Karis says, “Mommy, can I see your arms!” So I put my hands together and unbeknownst to me one was significantly shorter than the other. She immediately commands my arm to lengthen in the name of Jesus! We both stood there in amazement as we watched my arm grow out to match the length of the other. I immediately started bawling and felt the tender correction of the Holy Spirit. I extended my faith for her. Not myself. I wanted her faith and boldness to grow. Not even realizing I needed that same faith and boldness. 

This morning I was grumbling in my heart about different health situations in myself and in my family. God heard the cries of my heart. He knew that what was planted in my daughter yesterday in class would be what brought healing to my heart today! 

I encourage you to find a church that teaches that gifts and healing IS for today and that even children can operate in these gifts that Jesus has to offer every single one of us! 

Psalm 19:14

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart

Be acceptable in Your sight,

O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer